
In 2017 I was invited to make a presentation to a graduate seminar on Engineering Education at VT about Ethics in Engineering.  Since I had been teaching a course on Ethics and Autonomous Vehicles, I used this opportunity to talk about the toolbox that ethicists work with and some applications to autonomous vehicles.

Talks to Students

From the Meaning of Life to a Meaningful Life,” presented to student groups many times since 1985. In 2014, I gave a talk to students at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic on this topic. 

I've also given a talk to students on "The Philosophy of Tattoos" several times since 2004.  I don't have a script for this one.

Classes Taught

Here are lists of the classes I've taught at Virginia Tech and at the University of California.  As I conclude my teaching career, I have taught 180 courses at VT, including over 8000 students.

I especially love teaching Ancient Greek philosophy.  Here is a picture of me taken in 1999 in the Louvre in Paris with my buddies Aristotle and Socrates: